Wednesday, July 27, 2011

BOYCOTT "Nip It IN THe BUD" Her name is Alex Datig

Hey Man thank you. I was just watching a show on History channel called "Marijuana a Chronic History"

I want to Boycot this ladies company called " Nip It In The Bud " she's a blond bitch with that really cold looking face with way too much makeup she looked like  a cheap whore, it made me so mad that her life is based on making sure Cannabis stays illegal. We finally have a green industry that could save America.
Make Alcohol illegal , a drunk driver killed my beautiful aunt., make Tobacco illegal my wife is going to die because of that shit! 500,000 people a year dies here in America cause of Tobacco related illnesses.
Alcohol kills everyday and is very addictive.

Cannabis helps many people and IT'S NOT ADDICTIVE, when i run out i dont get sick and cry and shake in my bed and trow up, i just say oh well, i'll buy a bag when i get paid.

I bet that bitch drinks wine  miss "nip It In The Bud" look at her website she feels so proud that one little bill passed  guess what lady my aunt is a Senator and I can tell you that many more states are going the way of California.
 Guess what Alex Datig you cold looking I need to get laid really bad looking ass hole , you are the type of person that would have been a great NAZI.

I sure hope no body in your family gets Cancer and needs Cannabis so they can eat, and kill the suffering, you are selfish, all you care about is your agenda and your make up, which you wear too much!!

All the addictive drugs sold legally, is what you need to use your time which you seem to have a lot of,people dieing from pain killers, opium products, Alcohol, and my favorite bullshit drug which they add addictive products too so you have to have them TOBACCO!!!!

And then get a life.

The USA will realize they need the tax revenues its a multi-billion dollar a year industry and miss Alex datig wont be able to stop it. Unless Americans can grow and smoke, then the Mexican cartels will continue to keep it coming.
Use your brain since you think you are so smart. No body seems to worry about kids drinking addictive alcohol, or addictive pain meds, which pot allowed me to get away from pain management doctors for good, all they gave me was schedule 2 highly addictive drugs. See unless a pharmaceutical companies can get their grubby hands on it they hate it too, cause we can grow it, so that puts them out of the pain business.

Before the Afghanistan war they produced 30% of the worlds opium but when America came in and took over they now produce 90% of the worlds opium.

Follow the money 

Hemp makes cloths that are softer than Cotton, so the cotton industry hate Hemp,the oil business hate hemp because it can make bio fuel, Hemp makes so many products the rest of the world would respect us again for making our own products, all of our money goes to all parts of the world because we create less goods.

I want to find her company, and her email address and boycot her as much as possible. I've never been much of a activist only cause i dont know how to start .

But damn it it is so much safer than alcohol and Tobacco, but why isn't she trying to make them illegal, my Aunt was killed in a little beatle bug old type, by what a stinking drunk bitch who walked away from it, and in the late 70's early 80's the laws sucked . she didnt do a full night in jail not once.

every 37 seconds a pot user gets arrested, while drunk men are beating their kids, robbing stores, we spend so much money on arresting pot smokers, they said that themoney spent on pot inmates could make sure every school had computers,new books,

The state would NOT have to spend money on pot smokers instead they could tax it and make money, yet they spend billions on keeping pot smokers in jail, Billions could save our economy , billions could make wind turbines,and more natural fuels and put into energy and keeping out the Mexican cartels out of our American Grown Cannabis.

Look for the criminals that are driving drunk killing peoples aunt like mine, find criminals that are raping people,find criminals that are killing people.


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