Sunday, August 14, 2011

Detroit Area Homeowner faces Jail for Front Yard Vegetable Garden
"Being in Michigan, (though thankfully not Detroit) I am somewhat familiar with Detroit. The city is basically a hole, miles of abandoned buildings. It has suffered under decades of big government mismanagement. It is the only city in the US to surpass 1 million people, but then fall below that, and in fact it’s population has dropped by over 50% from the peak. The continued mass exodus from Detroit is a big reason why Michigan was the only state, the only state, to lose population in the last census. 49 states gained people over the past 10 years, and Michigan shrunk. You would think government officials in the Detroit area would not try to chase off what residents they have left, but you would be wrong. Apparently you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t shake the government knows best attitude out of a big government bureaucrat.
So, an Oak Park (Detroit suburb) woman is facing jailtime for planting vegetables in here front yard. I take personal offense at this because I have advocated forgrowing your own food and front yard farming.
As I’ve mentioned before many cities have really archaic ordinances on the books about what you can do with your yard. And God forbid you live in a Homeowner’s Association full of people who just can’t mind their own business. Often the laws have to do with grass coverage. Grass being the most useless and most resource intensive thing you can possibly plant. It needs more water, more fertilizer, and of course more mowing, than traditional gardens. It is very wasteful. All grass really has going for it is it makes a good play surface. But who wants their kids playing in the front yard by the road? I know I don’t.
So this poor women, who is only trying to combat ridiculous high food prices thanks to other misguided government policies, planted a garden in her front yard. Maybe because the back yard is full, maybe because the back yard is shady, maybe because she wanted to share and be social with her neighbors. Most of her neighbors like it, and people are voicing support online. But the pencil pushers at city hall are taking her to court, wasting even more taxpayer dollars.
Michigan cities all over the state are having budget problems. Laying off police or fire fighters, not fixing pot holes, etc. I wonder how much Oak Park pays to have the “grass police” drive around writing tickets. Now sure, no one likes a house overgrown with weeds. Those weeds can go to seed and infect the whole neighborhood, and it can bring down housing values, no one likes that. But a house with a garden in front is a homeowner who cares, it shows character, and to me would make the street seem safer. A garden is not an eye sore, and should not be treated as such.
If Detroit really wanted to get their act together they should bulldoze the tens of thousands of abandoned buildings and turn all that space into urban gardens, where everyone can grow food. In fact, imagine if the whole country planted food in their front yard? Imagine all the extra food we would suddenly be producing." written by

I just had to let you read that , this is a story that really bothers me In this day and age when people are starving who cares about a garden, everybody should be so lucky to have their own garden. This town is stupid and the people that run it are as stupid as every other politician, From small towns to Washington. Hemp & Cannabis should  be decriminalized so that we could have a real GREEN industry Because our  president has lied to us about everything. We could save our country since it is the NUMBER 1 Cash crop, imagine if it were taxed and regulated, Alcohol kills, tobacco KILLs 500,000 every year in America. 
We need to export more goods rather than import more, we have a fields of empty ship containers that didn't get sent back because we export less goods. America will fall just like Rome if we don’t act like the American's we used to act like. Mary Jane used to be the number 1 LEGAL cash crop, President Washington grew hemp. They made COCAINE a schedule 2 drug like oxycontin, but Pot is schedule 1 ? HUH? pot is worse for you than Cocaine? OMG!!
We need to take back our country, look at your history, pot was made illegal because of racism, because they thought Mexican's would rape white women!!!
Come on people can we all just stop being so stupid, weed doesn't kill, CIG's do, Alcohol does, there’s a million dollar reward if you can prove Cannabis kills or causes desease; where’s the reward for cigs' or alcohol?
There is none because they kill everyday like my aunt was killed by a drunk driver not a pot head.
I don't believe or trust in my own Government and all the corrupt officials which include, Judges, cops, cops, cops, Senator’s,Specially Congressmen on up to the biggest corrupt scum bags of all and that's our puppet PRESIDENTS!
I used to trust my Government but now my eyes are open and my minds been free’d. I love my country but we need a revolution again to put our Government in their place. Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves, because even they said people should never fear their government but just the opposite.
We are screwing ourselves as long as we let them get away with what ever they want, we have power and we have the numbers, and our soldiers won’t kill American’s , cops might because they love the power we’ve given them, they love riot control so they can shoot their guns and show their power, well guess what pigs there’s more of us!
Eric Thomas Greenfield
"I say It Like I See It"

Alcohol Kills, Tabacco kills 500,000 a year in America, But if someone dropped a bomb on us and it killed 500,000 people boy we would go to war faster than than you can pack a bowl. Our country is broke and instead of starting what could be the next big GREEN industry and save America and show the world that we are still leaders, instead the world laughs at us now, we are respected less. 

I'm a professional grower, but now I have kids and I live in a state that would rather be the pill mill state instead of a progressive,moving forward state.

I can't do what I love, I can't make a living doing what I do very well. I can't make living in Ocala, Florida because there are NO jobs, thank God for my wifes Server job, or we would be in the streets.

I'm a computer wiz,graphic designer,Music producer and video editor, I can manage any business, but I'm tired of making other people rich while getting paid not even enough to live by myself God forbid I ever lost my family.
I have so many useful skills. I want to farm Hemp & Cannabis legally and take medication that isn't made in a lab but growm from a seed.

I have legit back issues , I had surgery on my right knee and doctors have got me addicted to hard core pain med's that I finally kicked myself. But I still have to medicate with cannabis but the stuff here is Mexican garbage, unless I spend 125.00$ on a quater of Hi grade bud, which still isn't as good as california bud.

Our Governemnt is corrupt and i think 80% of the leaders in our country should lose their jobs, instead we lose ours, and we are NOT allowed to start a New taxable ,profitable industry,Hemp and medical Cannabis.

My grandfather and the rest of the men in my family that went to war for this country if they only knew before they got into it what they were really fighting for, and that's just to keep rich powerful white men powerful. They have all the money in the world, now they are addicted to power.

Just remember that that only 1% of the people own half the worlds wealth, there are corporations like Wal-Mart that if one year gave up just half of their profit would put a roof a car and food on every table in the world.

Here's a couple quotes from our founding fathers I want to end this blog with. Read them closely and realize they still have just as much meaning today as they did in there age.

"All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride legitimately, by the grace of God".
Thomas Jefferson, letter to Roger C. Weightman, June 24, 1826

Finally, there seem to be but three Ways for a Nation to acquire Wealth. The first is by War as the Romans did in plundering their conquered Neighbours. This is Robbery. The second by Commerce which is generally Cheating. The third by Agriculture the only honest Way; wherein Man receives a real Increase of the Seed thrown into the Ground, in a kind of continual Miracle wrought by the Hand of God in his favour, as a Reward for his innocent Life, and virtuous Industry.
Benjamin Franklin, Positions to be Examined, April 4, 1769

Thank you for reading my blogs


Thats NOT MY America!
Eric Thomas Greenfield 

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